Garry's Mod Wiki


  render.DrawBeam( Vector startPos, Vector endPos, number width, number textureStart, number textureEnd, Color color = Color( 255, 255, 255 ) )


This is a rendering function that requires a 3d rendering context.

This means that it will only work in 3d Rendering Hooks.

Draws a single-segment Beam made out of a textured, billboarded quad stretching between two points.

For more detailed information, including usage examples, see the Beams Render Reference


1 Vector startPos
The Beam's start position.
2 Vector endPos
The Beam's end position.
3 number width
The width of the Beam.
4 number textureStart
The starting coordinate of the Beam's texture.
5 number textureEnd
The end coordinate of the Beam's texture.
6 Color color = Color( 255, 255, 255 )
What Color to tint the Beam.