Garry's Mod Wiki


  boolean SANDBOX:PlayerGiveSWEP( Player ply, string weapon, table spawninfo )


Called when a player attempts to give themselves a weapon from the Q menu. (Left mouse clicks on an icon)

Not to be confused with SANDBOX:PlayerSpawnSWEP, which is called when the weapon is spawned as entity on the ground.


1 Player ply
The player who attempted to give themselves a weapon.
2 string weapon
Class name of the weapon the player tried to give themselves.
3 table spawninfo
The weapon list table of this weapon, see CCGiveSWEP and weapons.Register


1 boolean
Can the SWEP be given to the player


Stops non-admins from giving themselves weapons.

hook.Add( "PlayerGiveSWEP", "BlockPlayerSWEPs", function( ply, class, spawninfo ) if ( not ply:IsAdmin() ) then return false end end )