Garry's Mod Wiki


  Panel:MoveBy( number moveX, number moveY, number time, number delay = 0, number ease = -1, function callback = nil )


Moves the panel by the specified coordinates using animation.


1 number moveX
The number of pixels to move by in the horizontal (x) direction.
2 number moveY
The number of pixels to move by in the vertical (y) direction.
3 number time
The time (in seconds) in which to perform the animation.
4 number delay = 0
The delay (in seconds) before the animation begins.
5 number ease = -1
The easing of the start and/or end speed of the animation. See Panel:NewAnimation for how this works.
6 function callback = nil
The function to be called once the animation is complete.
Function argument(s):
1 table animData - The AnimationData structure that was used.
2 Panel targetPanel - The panel object that was animated.