Garry's Mod Wiki


  debugoverlay.Triangle( Vector pos1, Vector pos2, Vector pos3, number lifetime = 1, table color = Color( 255, 255, 255 ), boolean ignoreZ = false )


Displays a colored triangle at the specified coordinates.

This function will silently fail if the developer ConVar is set to 0.
It is not networked to clients, except for the listen server host.
It will not work when the game is paused.


1 Vector pos1
First point of the triangle
2 Vector pos2
Second point of the triangle
3 Vector pos3
Third point of the triangle
4 number lifetime = 1
Number of seconds to appear
5 table color = Color( 255, 255, 255 )
The color of the box. Uses the Color
6 boolean ignoreZ = false
If true, will draw on top of everything; ignoring the Z buffer