List of all possible functions available for Lua particles. This is the object returned by the CLuaEmitter:Add function.
number CLuaParticle:GetAirResistance()
Returns the air resistance of the particle.
Angle CLuaParticle:GetAngleVelocity()
Returns the angular velocity of the particle
number CLuaParticle:GetDieTime()
Returns the amount of time in seconds after which the particle will be destroyed.
number CLuaParticle:GetEndAlpha()
Returns the alpha value that the particle will reach on its death.
number CLuaParticle:GetEndLength()
Returns the length that the particle will reach on its death.
number CLuaParticle:GetEndSize()
Returns the size that the particle will reach on its death.
Vector CLuaParticle:GetGravity()
Returns the gravity of the particle.
number CLuaParticle:GetLifeTime()
Returns the 'life time' of the particle, how long the particle existed since its creation.
This value will always be between 0 and CLuaParticle:GetDieTime.
It changes automatically as time goes.
It can be manipulated using CLuaParticle:SetLifeTime.
If the life time of the particle will be more than CLuaParticle:GetDieTime, it will be removed.
IMaterial CLuaParticle:GetMaterial()
Returns the current material of the particle.
Returns the current rotation of the particle in radians, this should only be used for 2D particles.
number CLuaParticle:GetRollDelta()
Returns the current rotation speed of the particle in radians, this should only be used for 2D particles.
number CLuaParticle:GetStartAlpha()
Returns the alpha value which the particle has when it's created.
number CLuaParticle:GetStartLength()
Returns the length which the particle has when it's created.
number CLuaParticle:GetStartSize()
Returns the size which the particle has when it's created.
Vector CLuaParticle:GetVelocity()
Returns the current velocity of the particle.
CLuaParticle:SetAirResistance( number airResistance )
Sets the air resistance of the the particle.
CLuaParticle:SetAngleVelocity( Angle angVel )
Sets the angular velocity of the the particle.
CLuaParticle:SetCollide( boolean shouldCollide )
Sets the whether the particle should collide with the world or not.
CLuaParticle:SetCollideCallback( function collideFunc )
Sets the function that gets called whenever the particle collides with the world.
CLuaParticle:SetDieTime( number dieTime )
Sets the time where the particle will be removed.
CLuaParticle:SetEndAlpha( number endAlpha )
Sets the alpha value of the particle that it will reach when it dies.
CLuaParticle:SetEndLength( number endLength )
Sets the length of the particle that it will reach when it dies.
CLuaParticle:SetEndSize( number endSize )
Sets the size of the particle that it will reach when it dies.
CLuaParticle:SetGravity( Vector gravity )
Sets the directional gravity aka. acceleration of the particle.
CLuaParticle:SetLifeTime( number lifeTime )
Sets the 'life time' of the particle, how long the particle existed since its creation.
This value should always be between 0 and CLuaParticle:GetDieTime.
It changes automatically as time goes.
If the life time of the particle will be more than CLuaParticle:GetDieTime, it will be removed.
CLuaParticle:SetLighting( boolean useLighting )
Sets whether the particle should be affected by lighting.
CLuaParticle:SetMaterial( IMaterial mat )
Sets the material of the particle.
CLuaParticle:SetNextThink( number nextThink )
Sets when the particles think function should be called next, this uses the synchronized server time returned by CurTime.
Sets the roll of the particle in radians. This should only be used for 2D particles.
CLuaParticle:SetRollDelta( number rollDelta )
Sets the rotation speed of the particle in radians. This should only be used for 2D particles.
CLuaParticle:SetStartAlpha( number startAlpha )
Sets the initial alpha value of the particle.
CLuaParticle:SetStartLength( number startLength )
Sets the initial length value of the particle.
CLuaParticle:SetStartSize( number startSize )
Sets the initial size value of the particle.
CLuaParticle:SetThinkFunction( function thinkFunc )
Sets the think function of the particle.
CLuaParticle:SetVelocity( Vector vel )
Sets the velocity of the particle.
CLuaParticle:SetVelocityScale( boolean doScale = false )
Scales the velocity based on the particle speed.