Garry's Mod Wiki


The physenv library allows you to control the physics environment created by the engine, and lets you modify constants such as gravity and maximum velocity.


physenv.AddSurfaceData( string properties )
Adds a material surface property type to the game's physics environment. See util. GetSurfaceData for the opposite function. The game has a limit of 128 surface properties - this includes properties loaded automatically from surfaceproperties. txt. Due to this, there's only a small amount of open slots that can be registered with GMod's provided surfaceproperties. txt. Issue Tracker: 2604
Returns the air density used to calculate drag on physics objects. The unit is in kg/m³.
Vector physenv.GetGravity()
Gets the gravitational acceleration used for physics objects in source_unit/s^2.
Returns the last simulation duration of the in-game physics.
Gets the current performance settings in table form.
Returns the pause status of global physics simulation. See physenv. SetPhysicsPaused for the setter.
physenv.SetAirDensity( number airDensity )
Sets the air density.
physenv.SetGravity( Vector gravAccel )
Sets the gravitational acceleration used for physics objects. Does not affect players.
physenv.SetPerformanceSettings( table performanceSettings )
Sets the performance settings.
physenv.SetPhysicsPaused( boolean pause )
Pauses or unpauses the physics simulation globally. See physenv. GetPhysicsPaused for the getter.