Garry's Mod Wiki

Blocked ConCommands

This is a list of all concommands and convars blacklisted from being ran or changed with RunConsoleCommand, game.ConsoleCommand and Player:ConCommand. Server and clients can still run the commands normally from console. Certain console commands have been disabled for a variety of reasons, usually to prevent harm or annoyance to players, such as unbinding all their keys using unbindall.

When you attempt to run RunConsoleCommand with a blocked command, this error will be thrown in console: RunConsoleCommand: Command is blocked! (<command name>).

Running Player:ConCommand with a blocked command will throw red text in console: ConCommand blocked! (<command name>).

Running game.ConsoleCommand with a blocked command will throw red text in console: game.ConsoleCommand blocked! (<command name>).

This list was ripped from Garry's Mod dynamic libraries.
Name Reason
__screenshot_internal Could create a screenshot without the client's consent
_restart Blocked only client-side. Could crash the player's game
alias Could alias commands without the client's consent
askconnect_accept Could accept a redirect request without the client wanting to be redirected
bind Could be used to rebind keys without the client's consent
bind_mac Could be used to rebind keys without the client's consent
bindtoggle Could be used to rebind keys without the client's consent
buildcubemaps Could rebuild the cubemaps on a server, which can cause errors
cef_credits Could open big count of webpanels
cl_allowdownload Could change the download settings without the client wanting to
cl_allowupload Could change the uploads settings without the client wanting to
cl_chatfilters Could change the chat filter settings without the client wanting to
cl_cloud_settings Could change the cloud settings without the client wanting to
cl_downloadfilter Could change which files can be downloaded from the server without the client consent
cl_enable_loadingurl Could enable/disable custom loading screens provided by joined servers without the client wanting to
cl_logofile Could choose spray file without the client wanting to
cl_mouseenable Could enable or disable the mouse without the client wanting to
cl_software_cursor Could replace the cursor with missing material (this makes the cursor invisible)
cl_playerspraydisable Persists across sessions, use the GM:PlayerSpray hook or sv_allowupload 0 to disable sprays
clear Could clear the console without the client's consent
con_enable Could enable or disable the console
con_filter_dupe Could modify console filtering settings without the client wanting to
con_filter_enable Could modify console filtering settings without the client wanting to
con_filter_text Could modify console filtering settings without the client wanting to
con_filter_text_out Could modify console filtering settings without the client wanting to
con_logfile Now-removed convar that in the past could enable/disable writing console output to a file
connect Could connect to specified server without the client's consent
crosshair Could enable or disable the crosshair without the client's consent
devshots_screenshot Could create a screenshot without the client's consent
echo Could be used to print fake console messages
ent_fire Could let clients manipulate entities more than expected
ent_setname Could let clients manipulate entities more than expected
exec Could allow the client to execute malicious scripts
exit Could exit the client's game entirely
gamemode_reload Now-removed command
gamemode_reload_cl Now-removed command
gameui_hide Could hide the game UI when the client didn't request to
gameui_preventescapetoshow Could stop the client from opening the game UI
gameui_show_dialog Could show an arbitrary dialog that crashes the game
gm_video Could recording of a .webm when the client didn't request to
gmod_language Could change the clients language without the client wanting it
gmod_tos Could open Facepunch's Terms of Service when the client didn't request to
gmod_privacy Could open Facepunch's Privacy Policy when the client didn't request to
gmod_modding Could open Facepunch's Modding guidelines when the client didn't request to
gmod_servers Could open the Server Operator rules when the client didn't request to
gmod_delete_temp_files Could modify temporary file settings without the client wanting to
hideconsole Could hide the console when the client didn't request to
host_writeconfig Could save the current config settings to the registry (which could cause changes to be saved without the client wanting them)
hud_fastswitch Could enable/disable fast weapons switch
incrementvar Could change convar values (by increment them)
lightprobe Could be used to save two files without the client knowing (a cubemap file and a file indicating the local lighting)
log Could enable/disable logging to file, console, and udp
lservercfgfile Could select any config file instead of listenserver.cfg
lua_cookieclear Could delete cookie library stored data when the client didn't request to
lua_error_url Could change the url to which lua errors will be sent
lua_open Now-removed command
lua_openscript_cl Could allow the client to open malicious scripts
lua_redownload Now-removed command
lua_reloadents Could reload all scripted entities
lua_reloadents_cl Could reload all scripted entities
lua_showerrors_cl Now-removed command
lua_showerrors_sv Now-removed command
m_customaccel Could modify mouse settings without the client wanting to
m_customaccel_exponent Could modify mouse settings without the client wanting to
m_customaccel_scale Could modify mouse settings without the client wanting to
m_forward Could modify mouse settings without the client wanting to
m_mouseaccel1 Could modify mouse settings without the client wanting to
m_mouseaccel2 Could modify mouse settings without the client wanting to
m_mousespeed Could modify mouse settings without the client wanting to
m_pitch Could modify mouse settings without the client wanting to
m_side Could modify mouse settings without the client wanting to
m_yaw Could modify mouse settings without the client wanting to
mat_color_projection Could enable/disable drawing a overlay with missing texture on top of everything
mat_crosshair_explorer Could be used to open Explorer without the client wanting to, which could exit out of the game
mat_dxlevel Could changes what GPU features are used based on DirectX version
mat_savechanges Could save the current video config to the registry (which could cause changes to be saved without the client wanting them)
mat_setvideomode Could sets the width, height, windowed state of the material system
mat_texture_limit Could limit the amount of texture memory available
mat_texture_list Could display the texture list without the client wanting to
+mat_texture_list Could display the texture list without the client wanting to
mat_viewportscale Could scale down a client's viewport
mat_viewportupscale Could scale up a client's viewport
menu_reload Could force a reload of the Lua base menu (which causes the game to crash with a Lua panic error in my test)
mp_flashlight Could be used to enable or disable the flashlight for an entire server
multvar Could change convar values (by multiplying them)
plugin_load Could load server plugins
quit Could exit the client's game entirely
quti Now-removed command that in the past could exit the client's game entirely
r_aspect Now-removed command
rcon_address Could change address of remote server for sending rcon commands
rcon_password Could change remote console password
sensitivity Could change the client's mouse sensitivity without their knowledge
servercfgfile Could select any config file instead of server.cfg
snd_buildcache Could exit the client's game entirely
snd_ducktovolume Could modify sounds settings without the client wanting to
snd_gain Could modify sounds settings without the client wanting to
snd_gain_max Could modify sounds settings without the client wanting to
snd_gain_min Could modify sounds settings without the client wanting to
snd_mixahead Could modify sounds settings without the client wanting to
snd_musicvolume Could modify music volume without the client wanting to
snd_pitchquality Could modify sounds settings without the client wanting to
startupmenu Could open the initial menu screen and load the background bsp without the client wanting to (Also causes a crash)
sv_allow_wait_command Now-removed command
sv_cheats Could allow cheats on server
sv_logfilename_format Could change log filename formatting
sv_logsdir Could change the folder where server logs will be stored
test_loop Now-removed command
test_randomchance Now-removed command
test_startscript Now-removed command
toggle Could toggle convars without the client requesting to
toggleconsole Could stop the client from opening the console or open it when they didn't want to
unbind Could stop the client from being able to press anything
unbind_mac Could stop the client from being able to press anything
unbindall Could stop the client from being able to press anything
+voicerecord Could allow one to activate the clients microphone without the client wanting to
voice_avggain Could modify voice chat settings without the client wanting to
voice_enable Could enable or disable voice chat without the client wanting to
voice_fadeouttime Could modify voice chat settings without the client wanting to
voice_forcemicrecord Could modify voice chat settings without the client wanting to
voice_gain_downward_multiplier Could modify voice chat settings without the client wanting to
voice_gain_max Could modify voice chat settings without the client wanting to
voice_gain_rate Could modify voice chat settings without the client wanting to
voice_gain_target Could modify voice chat settings without the client wanting to
voice_inputfromfile Could modify voice chat settings without the client wanting to
voice_loopback Could modify voice chat settings without the client wanting to
voice_maxgain Could modify voice chat settings without the client wanting to
voice_modenable Could modify voice chat settings without the client wanting to
voice_overdrive Could modify voice chat settings without the client wanting to
voice_scale Could modify voice chat settings without the client wanting to
voice_recordtofile Could modify voice chat settings without the client wanting to
volume Can change the volume of the game
vprof_record_start Now-removed command
vprof_record_stop Now-removed command
whereis Could print out sensitive file paths without consent. This isn't blocked on the Menu realm.