Garry's Mod Wiki



This is used internally - although you're able to use it you probably shouldn't.

DComboBox control for a DProperties panel.

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Derives methods, etc not listed on this page from DProperty_Generic.


DProperty_Combo:AddChoice( string Text, any data, boolean select = false )
Add a choice to your combo control.
DProperty_Combo:DataChanged( any data )
Called after the user selects a new value.
DProperty_Combo:SetSelected( number Id )
Set the selected option.
DProperty_Combo:Setup( table data = { text = 'Select...' } )
This is used internally - although you're able to use it you probably shouldn't. Sets up a combo control.


local Panel = vgui.Create( "DFrame" ) Panel:SetSize( 500, 500 ) Panel:MakePopup() local DP = vgui.Create( "DProperties", Panel ) DP:Dock( FILL ) local choice = DP:CreateRow( "Choices", "Combo #1: Default" ) choice:Setup( "Combo", {} ) choice:AddChoice( "Allow", true ) choice:AddChoice( "Disallow", false ) local choice = DP:CreateRow( "Choices", "Combo #2: Custom default text" ) choice:Setup( "Combo", { text = "Select type..." } ) choice:AddChoice( "Table", {} ) choice:AddChoice( "Function", function() end ) choice:AddChoice( "String", "Hello world" ) choice.DataChanged = function( self, data ) print( "You selected: ", data ) end