Revision Difference
<function name="Draw" parent="MarkupObject" type="classfunc">
<description>Draws the computed markupobject to the screen.</description>
<arg name="xOffset" type="number">The X coordinate on the screen.</arg>
<arg name="yOffset" type="number">The Y coordinate on the screen.</arg>
<arg name="xAlign" type="number">The alignment of the x coordinate using <page>Enums/TEXT_ALIGN</page></arg>
<arg name="yAlign" type="number">The alignment of the y coordinate using <page>Enums/TEXT_ALIGN</page></arg>
<arg name="alphaoverride" type="number" default="255">Sets the alpha of all drawn objects to this.</arg>
<arg name="xAlign" type="number" default="TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT">The alignment of the x coordinate within the text using <page>Enums/TEXT_ALIGN</page></arg>
<arg name="yAlign" type="number" default="TEXT_ALIGN_TOP">The alignment of the y coordinate within the text using <page>Enums/TEXT_ALIGN</page></arg>
<arg name="alphaoverride" type="number" default="255">Sets the alpha of all drawn objects to this value.</arg>
<arg name="textAlign" type="number" default="TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT">The alignment of the text horizontally using <page>Enums/TEXT_ALIGN</page></arg>⤶
<description>Renders a markup string on the HUD.⤶
<note>The the <colour> tag can also be written as <color>, and the <font> tag can also be written as <face></note></description>⤶
<description>Shows the difference between xAlign and textAlign.</description>⤶
local parsed = markup.Parse("<font=Default>changed font</font>\n<colour=255,0,255,255>changed colour</colour>")
hook.Add("HUDPaint", "MarkupTest", function()
local parsed = markup.Parse( "<font=Default>changed font</font>\n<color=255,0,255,255>changed color with a long text</color>" )
hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "MarkupTest", function()
-- xAlign = LEFT⤶
draw.RoundedBox( 0, 200, 300, parsed:GetWidth(), parsed:GetHeight(), Color( 0, 0, 0, 100 ) )
parsed:Draw( 200, 300 )⤶
-- xAlign = CENTER⤶
draw.RoundedBox( 0, 200 - parsed:GetWidth() / 2, 350, parsed:GetWidth(), parsed:GetHeight(), Color( 0, 0, 0, 100 ) )⤶
parsed:Draw( 200, 350, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER )⤶
-- textAlign = RIGHT⤶
draw.RoundedBox( 0, 200, 400, parsed:GetMaxWidth(), parsed:GetHeight(), Color( 0, 0, 0, 100 ) )⤶
parsed:Draw( 200, 400, nil, nil, nil, TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT )⤶
end )⤶
<output><image src="Screenshot-2012-08-30_13.13.59.png"/></output>⤶
<output><upload src="70c/8d9bb26dbfc9f9d.png" size="28939" name="image.png" /></output>⤶