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<title>Creating Binary Modules: Rust</title>⤶
Unlike C++, Rust doesn't require an hour of CMake/other tweaking to build a project, you just need to have [Cargo](⤶
To create binary modules in Rust, there are now two main crates (libraries) - [gmod-rs]( and [rglua]( (the library defines functionality and structure).⤶
They both have different but similar approaches to writing code, as well as different functionality and threshold of entry.⤶
In this article we will look at the ``gmod-rs`` crate (library) from WilliamVenner.⤶
# Dependencies⤶
Install [rust from official site](, in one installer you will have Cargo (package manager), and the Rust compiler itself at once.⤶
## Rust analyzer (LSP)⤶
If you want, you can install [rust-analyzer]( (it's a set of utilities for easy code writing, including Language Server and other goodies) for your IDE.⤶
To install it on vscode, all you need to do is install [the official extension from marketplace](⤶
# Setup a new project⤶
To create a new project on Rust you just need to write one command - ``cargo new <project name>``.⤶
cargo new my_gmod_dll --lib⤶
Congratulations! You have initialized your Rust project.⤶
## Configuring the project⤶
Now let's customize our project for gmod:⤶
1. Install ``gmod-rs`` as a dependency:⤶
cargo add gmod⤶
2. Add these lines to the ``Cargo.toml`` file:⤶
crate-type = ["cdylib"]⤶
It should be something like this:⤶
name = "my_gmod_dll"⤶
version = "0.1.0"⤶
edition = "2021"⤶
crate-type = ["cdylib"]⤶
gmod = "17.0.0"⤶
3. Set the ``nightly`` toolchain:⤶
rustup override set nightly⤶
## Modifying the code⤶
Our project is almost ready, all that is left is to modify the source code of the ```` file - in this case it is ``main.cpp`` in C++.⤶
Open the ```` file and trash everything from there.⤶
Put this code in it:⤶
use gmod::{gmod13_close, gmod13_open, lua::State};⤶
fn gmod13_open(lua: State) -> i32 {⤶
println!("Hello from Rust!");⤶
fn exit(_: State) -> i32 {⤶
Done! Your project only needs to be assembled, and then you can start studying the ``gmod-rs`` device and working with its stack!⤶
As you can see, the ``gmod13_open`` and ``gmod13_close`` functions are fluffed with the ``State`` argument. This is an object that is the interface between Lua and your module. Through it we can control the Lua stack.⤶
# Building⤶
WilliamVenner provides ready-made commands in the ``gmod-rs`` [repository for building the project](, but I'll duplicate them:⤶
| Platform | Command | Description |⤶
| `win32` | `cargo build --target i686-pc-windows-msvc` | Windows 32-bit<br/>Use this if your server is running Windows and is on the `main` branch of Garry's Mod (this is the default branch.) |⤶
| `win64` | `cargo build --target x86_64-pc-windows-msvc` | Windows 64-bit<br/>Use this if your server is running Windows and is on the `x86-64` branch of Garry's Mod. |⤶
| `linux` | `cargo build --target i686-unknown-linux-gnu` | Linux 32-bit<br/>Use this if your server is running Linux and is on the `main` branch of Garry's Mod (this is the default branch.) |⤶
| `linux64` | `cargo build --target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu` |Linux 64-bit<br/>Use this if your server is running Linux and is on the `x86-64` branch of Garry's Mod. |⤶
After the project has been successfully built, find the built .dll (.so on unix-like systems), and rename it according to the desired result [as written here](⤶
You can find the compiled binary in `target/<TARGET>/debug/my_gmod_dll.dll` on Windows or `target/<TARGET>/debug/` on Linux.⤶
If you want to build the project in ``release`` fashion, then add the ``--release`` flag to the build command.⤶
# Conclusion⤶
I don't want you to think that everything is easy in Rust, since we have such handy tools. Yes, unlike C++, our tools are very handy, but the language itself takes a long time to get used to. So if you are thinking about learning it, think a couple of times whether it is worth it.