Revision Difference
<description>A simple Derma Drawer</description>⤶
<description>Creates a DDrawer in a DFrame; set the open size and time; add a panel in the drawer; open the DDrawer.</description>⤶
local Frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )⤶
Frame:SetSize( 400, 200 )⤶
local Drawer = vgui.Create( "DDrawer", Frame )⤶
Drawer:SetOpenSize( 75 ) -- Default OpenSize is 100⤶
Drawer:SetOpenTime( 0.2 ) -- Default OpenTime is 0.3⤶
Drawer:Open() -- You can also use Drawer:Close() and Drawer:Toggle()⤶
//Let's add a panel, because Drawer is empty⤶
local PanelInDrawer = vgui.Create( "DPanel", Drawer )⤶
PanelInDrawer:Dock( FILL ) -- Make PanelInDrawer fill place of Drawer⤶
PanelInDrawer:DockMargin( 3, 0, 3, 3 ) -- Margins for the dock. Search on wiki for more info⤶