Revision Difference
<function name="TranslateNavGoal" parent="ENTITY" type="hook">⤶
Called by the engine to alter NPC's final position to reach its enemy or target. ⤶
<note>This hook only exists for `ai` type SENTs.</note>⤶
<args name="Chasing Enemy">⤶
<arg name="enemy" type="Entity" default="GetEnemy()">The enemy being chased.</arg>⤶
<arg name="currentGoal" type="Vector" default="GetEnemyLastKnownPos()">The enemy's chase position.</arg>⤶
<args name="Moving to target">⤶
<arg name="target" type="Entity">The path_corner in query.</arg>⤶
<arg name="currentGoal" type="Vector">path_corner's origin.</arg>⤶
<ret name="" type="Vector">The actual point that NPC will move to reach its enemy or target.⤶
Do not return anything to not override.</ret>⤶