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<function name="GetSequenceList" parent="Entity" type="classfunc">⤶ <description>Returns a list of all sequences ( animations ) the model has.</description>⤶ <realm>Shared</realm>⤶ <rets>⤶ <ret name="" type="table">The list of all sequences ( animations ) the model has. The indices start with 0!</ret>⤶ </rets>⤶ </function>⤶ ⤶ <example>⤶ <description>Example showing table structure. Prints a list of player model sequences.</description>⤶ <code>PrintTable( Entity(1):GetSequenceList() )</code>⤶ <output>⤶ ⤶ ```⤶ 0 = ragdoll⤶ 1 = reference⤶ 2 = idle_all_01⤶ 3 = idle_all_02⤶ 4 = idle_all_angry⤶ 5 = idle_all_scared⤶ 6 = idle_all_cower⤶ 7 = cidle_all⤶ 8 = swim_idle_all⤶ 9 = sit⤶ 10 = menu_walk⤶ 11 = menu_combine⤶ 12 = menu_gman⤶ 13 = walk_all⤶ -- The rest of the sequences⤶ ```⤶ ⤶ </output>⤶ ⤶ </example>