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<function name="Derma_Hook" parent="Global" type="libraryfunc"> <description>Creates panel method that calls the supplied Derma skin hook via <page>derma.SkinHook</page></description> <realm>Client and Menu</realm> <file line="49-L55">lua/derma/init.lua</file> <file line="54-L60">lua/derma/init.lua</file> <args> <arg name="panel" type="Panel">Panel to add the hook to</arg> <arg name="functionName" type="string">Name of panel function to create</arg> <arg name="hookName" type="string">Name of Derma skin hook to call within the function</arg> <arg name="typeName" type="string">Type of element to call Derma skin hook for</arg> </args> </function> <example> <description>Creates PANEL.Paint function to call Derma skin hook 'Paint' with type 'Panel'</description> <code>Derma_Hook( PANEL, "Paint", "Paint", "Panel" )</code> <output>Panel is painted with correct derma hooks</output> </example>