Garry's Mod Wiki

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<cat>Dev</cat>⤶ Garry's Mod features a set of non-default operators and aliases of already existing ones.⤶ ⤶ The implemented operators include⤶ ⤶ ⤶ ⤶ Operator |⤶ --------|⤶ ⤶ ⤶ ⤶ ⤶ The implemented aliases are as following⤶ ⤶ ⤶ ⤶ Operator !! Alias |⤶ -----------------|⤶ | and | | && |⤶ | not | | ! |⤶ | ~= | | != |⤶ | --<page> </page> | | /* */ |⤶ | -- | | // |⤶ ⤶ ⤶ ⤶ It is suggested to avoid using the custom operators if you wish to use your scripts outside of Garry's Mod, as they are incompatible with standard Lua.⤶ ⤶ ⤶