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<cat>struct</cat> <structure> <description>Table structure used <page>GM:CalcView</page> and <page>GM:CalcVehicleView</page> hook.</description> <fields> <item name="origin" type="Vector">The camera's position</item> <item name="angles" type="Angle">The camera's angles</item> <item name="fov" type="number">The camera's FOV</item> <item name="znear" type="number">Distance to near clipping plane</item> <item name="zfar" type="number">Distance to far clipping plane</item> {{StructureField|boolean|drawviewer|Set true to draw local players player model.|false⤶ </fields>⤶ ⤶ </structure>⤶ ⤶ {{StructureField|table|ortho|If set, enables orthographic mode. The table has following arguments:⤶ <item name="drawviewer" type="boolean" default="false">Set true to draw local players player model.</item>⤶ <item name="ortho" type="table" default="nil">If set, enables orthographic mode. The table has following arguments:⤶ * <page>number</page> left * <page>number</page> right * <page>number</page> top * <page>number</page> bottom|nil⤶ }}⤶ }}* <page>number</page> bottom</item>⤶ </fields>⤶ ⤶ </structure>⤶