Garry's Mod Wiki

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<function name="CleanUpMap" parent="game" type="libraryfunc"> <description> If called serverside it will remove ALL entities which were not created by the map(not players or weapons held by players). On the client it will remove decals, sounds, gibs, dead NPCs, and entities created via <page>ents.CreateClientProp</page>. This function calls <page>GM:PreCleanupMap</page> before cleaning up the map and <page>GM:PostCleanupMap</page> after cleaning up the map. <bug issue="1142">Calling this in a <page>ENTITY:StartTouch</page> or <page>ENTITY:Touch</page> hook will crash the game.</bug> <bug issue="2874">Calling this destroys all BASS streams.</bug> <bug issue="3637">This can crash when removing _firesmoke entities.</bug> </description> <realm>Shared</realm> <args> <arg name="dontSendToClients" type="boolean" default="false">If set to true, don&#x27;t run this functions on all clients.</arg> <arg name="dontSendToClients" type="boolean" default="false">If set to true, don't run this functions on all clients.</arg> <arg name="ExtraFilters" type="table" default="{}">Entity classes not to reset during cleanup.</arg> </args> </function>