Revision Difference
<function name="GetAdjacentAreasAtSide" parent="CNavArea" type="classfunc">
Returns a table of all the <page>CNavArea</page>s that have a ( one and two way ) connection **from** this <page>CNavArea</page> in given direction.
If an area has a one-way incoming connection to this <page>CNavArea</page>, then it will **not** be returned from this function, use <page>CNavArea:GetIncomingConnections</page> to get all incoming connections.
See <page>CNavArea:GetAdjacentAreas</page> for a function that returns all areas from all sides/directions.
<arg name="navDir" type="number">The direction, in which to look for <page>CNavArea</page>s, see <page>NavDir</page>.</arg>
<arg name="navDir" type="number">The direction, in which to look for <page>CNavArea</page>s, see <page>NavDir</page>.</arg>
<ret name="" type="table">A table of all <page>CNavArea</page> that have a ( one and two way ) connection **from** this <page>CNavArea</page> in given direction.
Returns an empty table if this area has no outgoing connections to any other areas in given direction.</ret>