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<function name="GetInflictor" parent="CTakeDamageInfo" type="classfunc"> <description> Returns the inflictor of the damage. This is not necessarily a weapon. For hitscan weapons this is the weapon. For projectile weapons this is the projectile. For a more reliable method of getting the weapon that damaged an entity, use [GetAttacker](/gmod/CTakeDamageInfo/GetAttacker) with [GetActiveWeapon](/gmod/Player/GetActiveWeapon). For a more reliable method of getting the weapon that damaged an entity, use <page text="GetAttacker">CTakeDamageInfo:GetAttacker</page> with <page text="GetActiveWeapon">Player:GetActiveWeapon</page>. </description> <realm>Shared</realm> <rets> <ret name="" type="Entity">The inflictor</ret> </rets> </function>