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<panel> <parent>DLabel</parent> <preview>DButton_small.png</preview> <realm>Client and Menu</page> <description> A standard Derma button. ⤶ ⤶ By default, a <page>DButton</page> is 22px tall.⤶ ⤶ By default, a <page>DButton</page> is 22px tall.⤶ </description> <overrides> <page>PANEL:Init</page> <page>PANEL:Paint</page> <page>PANEL:PerformLayout</page> <page>PANEL:GenerateExample</page> <page>DButton:DoClick</page> <page>DButton:DoRightClick</page> </overrides> </panel> <example> <description>The DButton is exactly what you think it is - a button!</description> <code> local frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" ) frame:SetSize( 300, 250 ) frame:Center() frame:MakePopup() local DermaButton = vgui.Create( "DButton", frame ) // Create the button and parent it to the frame DermaButton:SetText( "Say hi" ) // Set the text on the button DermaButton:SetPos( 25, 50 ) // Set the position on the frame DermaButton:SetSize( 250, 30 ) // Set the size DermaButton.DoClick = function() // A custom function run when clicked ( note the . instead of : ) RunConsoleCommand( "say", "Hi" ) // Run the console command "say hi" when you click it ( command, args ) end DermaButton.DoRightClick = function() RunConsoleCommand( "say", "Hello World" ) end </code> <output><image src="DButton.png"/></output> </example>