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<function name="SetNumRows" parent="DColorPalette" type="panelfunc"> <description> Roughly sets the number of colors that can be picked by the user. If the DColorPalette is exactly 6 rows tall, this function will set the number of colors shown per row in the palette.Roughly sets the number of colors that can be picked by the user. If the DColorPalette is exactly 6 rows tall, this function will set the number of colors shown per row in the palette. This is an <page>Global.AccessorFunc</page>⤶ <note><page>DColorPalette:Reset</page> or <page>DColorPalette:ResetSavedColors</page> must be called after this function to apply changes.</note> </description> <realm>Client and Menu</realm> <file line="13">lua/vgui/dcolorpalette.lua</file>⤶ <args> <arg name="rows" type="number">Scale for the range of colors that the user can pick. Default is 8.</arg> </args> </function> <example> <description>Creates four DColorPalettes, each with a varying number of colors per row.</description> <code> local frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" ) -- Create the window frame:SetSize( 350, 350 ) frame:SetTitle( "SetNumRows Demonstration" ) frame:Center() frame:MakePopup() local label = vgui.Create( "DLabel", frame ) -- Create the help text label:Dock( TOP ) label:SetText( "Difference between SetNumRows( 4 ), SetNumRows( 8 ), SetNumRows( 16 ) and SetNumRows( 24 )" ) label:SetWrap( true ) -- Enables text wrapping for lower resolutions label:SetAutoStretchVertical( true ) -- Needed for the text to show properly local pallette1 = vgui.Create( "DColorPalette", frame ) -- First DColorPalette with 4 colors per row pallette1:SetPos( 4, 60 ) pallette1:SetNumRows( 4 ) pallette1:SetSize( 40, 60 ) pallette1:Reset() local pallette2 = vgui.Create( "DColorPalette", frame ) -- Second DColorPalette with 8 colors per row pallette2:SetPos( 4, 130 ) pallette2:SetNumRows( 8 ) pallette2:SetSize( 80, 60 ) pallette2:Reset() local pallette3 = vgui.Create( "DColorPalette", frame ) -- Third DColorPalette with 16 colors per row pallette3:SetPos( 4, 200 ) pallette3:SetNumRows( 16 ) pallette3:SetSize( 160, 60 ) pallette3:Reset() local pallette4 = vgui.Create( "DColorPalette", frame ) -- Fourth DColorPalette with 24 colors per row pallette4:SetPos( 4, 270 ) pallette4:SetNumRows( 24 ) pallette4:SetSize( 240, 60 ) pallette4:Reset() </code> <output><image src="setnumrows_demonstration.png"/></output> </example>