Revision Difference
<function name="AddSheet" parent="DColumnSheet" type="panelfunc">
<description>Adds a new column/tab.</description>
<arg name="name" type="string">Name of the column/tab</arg>
<arg name="pnl" type="Panel">Panel to be used as contents of the tab. This normally would be a <page>DPanel</page></arg>
<arg name="icon" type="string" default="nil">Icon for the tab. This will ideally be a [silkicon](/gmod/Silkicons), but any material name can be used.</arg>
<arg name="icon" type="string" default="nil">Icon for the tab. This will ideally be a <page text="silkicon">Silkicons</page>, but any material name can be used.</arg>
<ret name="" type="table">A table containing the following keys:
* <page>Panel</page> Button - The created tab button that will switch to the given panel
* <page>Panel</page> Panel - The given panel to switch to when the button is pressed</ret>