Revision Difference
<function name="OnRowSelected" parent="DListView" type="panelfunc">⤶
<function name="OnRowSelected" parent="DListView" type="panelhook">⤶
<description>Called internally by <page>DListView:OnClickLine</page> when a line is selected. This is the function you should override to define the behavior when a line is selected.</description>
<arg name="rowIndex" type="number">The index of the row/line that the user clicked on.</arg>
<arg name="row" type="Panel">The <page>DListView_Line</page> that the user clicked on.</arg>
<description>Prints the first two column values of the row that was clicked. In this example it's the nickname and kills of the player selected in the list</description>
local frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
frame:SetSize( 300, 300 )
local listView = frame:Add( "DListView" )
listView:Dock( FILL )
listView:AddColumn( "Nick" )
listView:AddColumn( "Frags" )
for i, ply in ipairs( player.GetAll() ) do
listView:AddLine( ply:Nick(), ply:Frags() )
listView.OnRowSelected = function( panel, rowIndex, row )
print( row:GetValue( 1 ) )
print( row:GetValue( 2 ) )