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<panel>⤶ <parent>DImageButton</parent>⤶ <description>Choose a number from a number line, with zooming for precision. Zoom in by moving your mouse forward and moving back does the opposite. Looks like a blue circle until you click and hold on it</description>⤶ ⤶ </panel>⤶ ⤶ ⤶ <example>⤶ <description>Create the Number Scratch with the minimum number being 0 and the max being 20</description>⤶ <code>⤶ local frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )⤶ frame:SetSize( 300, 250 )⤶ frame:Center()⤶ frame:MakePopup()⤶ ⤶ local Scratch = vgui.Create( "DNumberScratch", frame )⤶ Scratch:SetPos( 50, 50 )⤶ Scratch:SetValue( 5 )⤶ Scratch:SetMin( 0 )⤶ Scratch:SetMax( 20 )⤶ </code>⤶ <output></output>⤶ ⤶ </example>⤶ ⤶