Revision Difference
This is a complete list of effects available to be used with <page>util.Effect</page> by default.
## Engine Effects
Name | Description | Used Fields |
| ManhackSparks | A large fountain of sparks | <page text="Origin">CEffectData:SetOrigin</page>, <page text="Normal">CEffectData:SetNormal</page>, <page text="Angles">CEffectData:SetAngles</page> |
| TeslaZap | Lightning | |
| TeslaHitboxes | The same body-spanning electrical zaps that come from ragdolls grabbed the supercharged gravity gun in hl2 | <page text="Entity">CEffectData:SetEntity</page>, <page text="Magnitude">CEffectData:SetMagnitude</page> |
| CommandPointer | The small red dot seen at the end of the hl2 RPGs laser beam | |
| GunshipImpact | A small pink pulse of energy, not sure why its named gunshipimpact | |
| Smoke | Creates a bunch of messed up smoke that can't be deleted, not recommended | <page text="Origin">CEffectData:SetOrigin</page>, <page text="Angles">CEffectData:SetAngles</page>, <page text="Entity">CEffectData:SetEntity</page>, <page text="Attachment">CEffectData:SetAttachment</page>, <page text="Color">CEffectData:SetColor</page> |
| MuzzleFlash | Makes a muzzle flash, <page text="SetFlags">CEffectData:SetFlags</page> to change the appearance | <page text="SetFlags">CEffectData:SetFlags</page> |
| BoltImpact | Creates crossbow bolts that are stuck into walls/objects | |
| RPGShotDown | A large yellow flash and a metallic clanging sound | |
| GlassImpact | A small spray of glass shards, like when you shoot breakable windows | |
| StunstickImpact | A small flash and a few sparks | |
| PhyscannonImpact | The orange lightning beam that comes out of the grav gun when you punt something | <page text="Entity">CEffectData:SetEntity</page>, <page text="Origin">CEffectData:SetOrigin</page> |
| HudBloodSplat | | |
| HunterMuzzleFlash | Exactly what it says it is | <page text="Entity">CEffectData:SetEntity</page>, <page text="Attachment">CEffectData:SetAttachment</page> |
| GunshipMuzzleFlash | Exactly what it says it is | <page text="Entity">CEffectData:SetEntity</page>, <page text="Attachment">CEffectData:SetAttachment</page> |
| ChopperMuzzleFlash | Exactly what it says it is | <page text="Entity">CEffectData:SetEntity</page>, <page text="Attachment">CEffectData:SetAttachment</page> |
| AirboatMuzzleFlash | Exactly what it says it is | <page text="Entity">CEffectData:SetEntity</page>, <page text="Attachment">CEffectData:SetAttachment</page> |
| AR2Impact | A small flash of energy on a surface | <page text="Origin">CEffectData:SetOrigin</page>, <page text="Normal">CEffectData:SetNormal</page> |
| AR2Explosion | Pulse-rifle-schemed explosion. | <page text="Origin">CEffectData:SetOrigin</page>, <page text="Normal">CEffectData:SetNormal</page>, <page text="Radius">CEffectData:SetRadius</page> |
| AR2Tracer | Self-describing. Visible from all directions except under it. | <page text="Origin">CEffectData:SetOrigin</page>, <page text="Scale">CEffectData:SetScale</page>, <page text="Flags">CEffectData:SetFlags</page> ([TRACER_FLAG_WHIZ](, <page text="Start">CEffectData:SetStart</page> |
| HelicopterTracer | Similar to GunshipTracer effect | |
| AirboatGunTracer | Similar to the Pulse-rifle Tracer, only visible from above. | |
| AirboatGunHeavyTracer | Makes a bigger version of the Pulse-rifle Tracer. | |
| GaussTracer | Golden fading line | |
| HunterTracer | | |
| StriderTracer | Similar to AR2 tracer | |
| GunshipTracer | 2x the size of the pulse-rifle tracer | |
| HelicopterImpact | Plays a flesh hit sound in player's game, the AR2impact effect and a sparkles effect. | |
| AirboatGunImpact | Makes a wooden, high-pitch "knock" sound | |
| Impact | Makes a bullet impact effect, with respective effects for the material | <page text="Entity">CEffectData:SetEntity</page>, <page text="Origin">CEffectData:SetOrigin</page>, <page text="Start">CEffectData:SetStart</page>, <page text="SurfaceProp">CEffectData:SetSurfaceProp</page>, <page text="DamageType">CEffectData:SetDamageType</page>, <page text="HitBox">CEffectData:SetHitBox</page> |
| Impact_GMOD | Same as "Impact" but supports [IMPACT_]( flags | <page text="Flags">CEffectData:SetFlags</page> |
| ImpactGauss | Makes a plastic impact sound, no visible effects | |
| ImpactJeep | Makes a plastic impact sound, no visible effects | |
| AntlionGib | Sprays antlion innards everywhere | |
| CrossbowLoad | A small burst of sparks | |
| VortDispel | A large green pulse of energy that travels along the ground | <page text="Origin">CEffectData:SetOrigin</page> |
| ThumperDust | A circle of dust that spreads outward | <page text="Origin">CEffectData:SetOrigin</page>, <page text="Scale">CEffectData:SetScale</page>, <page text="Entity">CEffectData:SetEntity</page> |
| StriderBlood | Looks like a giant spray of turds, commonly used by mingebags in sandbox | |
| StriderMuzzleFlash | Muzzle flash of the striders pulse cannon | |
| cball_explode | A small flash and a bigger burst of sparks | |
| cball_bounce | A small flash and a burst of sparks | |
| ImpactGunship | Makes a plastic impact sound, no visible effects | |
| HL1ShellEject | | <page text="Origin">CEffectData:SetOrigin</page>, <page text="Angles">CEffectData:SetAngles</page>, <page text="Start">CEffectData:SetStart</page>, <page text="Entity">CEffectData:SetEntity</page>, <page text="Flags">CEffectData:SetFlags</page> (0 = shell, 1 = shotgun shell) |
| HL1Gib | A spray of giblets, they may have missing models or textures if you haven't mounted Half-Life: Source correctly | |
| HL1GaussWallImpact1 | | <page text="Origin">CEffectData:SetOrigin</page>, <page text="Magnitude">CEffectData:SetMagnitude</page> |
| HL1GaussWallImpact2 | | <page text="Origin">CEffectData:SetOrigin</page>, <page text="Normal">CEffectData:SetNormal</page> |
| HL1GaussWallPunchEnter | | <page text="Origin">CEffectData:SetOrigin</page>, <page text="Normal">CEffectData:SetNormal</page> |
| HL1GaussWallPunchExit | | <page text="Origin">CEffectData:SetOrigin</page>, <page text="Normal">CEffectData:SetNormal</page>, <page text="Magnitude">CEffectData:SetMagnitude</page> |
| HL1GaussReflect | | <page text="Origin">CEffectData:SetOrigin</page>, <page text="Normal">CEffectData:SetNormal</page>, <page text="Magnitude">CEffectData:SetMagnitude</page> |
| HL1GaussBeamReflect | | <page text="Start">CEffectData:SetStart</page>, <page text="Origin">CEffectData:SetOrigin</page>, <page text="Flags">CEffectData:SetFlags</page> (Acts as a bool. 0 = secondary fire, 1 = primary file) |
| HL1GaussBeam | | <page text="Entity">CEffectData:SetEntity</page>, <page text="Origin">CEffectData:SetOrigin</page>, <page text="Flags">CEffectData:SetFlags</page> (Acts as a bool. 0 = secondary fire, 1 = primary file) |
| EjectBrass_338Mag | CSS bullet shells | <page text="Origin">CEffectData:SetOrigin</page>, <page text="Angles">CEffectData:SetAngles</page>, <page text="Flags">CEffectData:SetFlags</page> (Acts as velocity) |
| EjectBrass_762Nato | CSS bullet shells | <page text="Origin">CEffectData:SetOrigin</page>, <page text="Angles">CEffectData:SetAngles</page>, <page text="Flags">CEffectData:SetFlags</page> (Acts as velocity) |
| EjectBrass_556 | CSS bullet shells | <page text="Origin">CEffectData:SetOrigin</page>, <page text="Angles">CEffectData:SetAngles</page>, <page text="Flags">CEffectData:SetFlags</page> (Acts as velocity) |
| EjectBrass_57 | CSS bullet shells | <page text="Origin">CEffectData:SetOrigin</page>, <page text="Angles">CEffectData:SetAngles</page>, <page text="Flags">CEffectData:SetFlags</page> (Acts as velocity) |
| EjectBrass_12Gauge | CSS bullet shells | <page text="Origin">CEffectData:SetOrigin</page>, <page text="Angles">CEffectData:SetAngles</page>, <page text="Flags">CEffectData:SetFlags</page> (Acts as velocity) |
| EjectBrass_9mm | CSS bullet shells | <page text="Origin">CEffectData:SetOrigin</page>, <page text="Angles">CEffectData:SetAngles</page>, <page text="Flags">CEffectData:SetFlags</page> (Acts as velocity) |
| CS_MuzzleFlash_X | CSS X shaped muzzle flash | <page text="Origin">CEffectData:SetOrigin</page>, <page text="Angles">CEffectData:SetAngles</page>, <page text="Flags">CEffectData:SetFlags</page> (Acts as velocity) |
| CS_MuzzleFlash | CSS muzzle flash | <page text="Origin">CEffectData:SetOrigin</page>, <page text="Angles">CEffectData:SetAngles</page>, <page text="Flags">CEffectData:SetFlags</page> (Acts as velocity) |
| MuzzleEffect | HL2 muzzle flash | <page text="Origin">CEffectData:SetOrigin</page>, <page text="Angles">CEffectData:SetAngles</page>, <page text="Scale">CEffectData:SetScale</page> |
| MetalSpark | The spark effect when a bullet strikes something made of metal | <page text="Origin">CEffectData:SetOrigin</page>, <page text="Normal">CEffectData:SetNormal</page> |
| ElectricSpark | Appears to make a small puff of smoke. Use SetMagnitude to add sparks. | <page text="Origin">CEffectData:SetOrigin</page>, <page text="Magnitude">CEffectData:SetMagnitude</page>, <page text="Scale">CEffectData:SetScale</page>, <page text="Normal">CEffectData:SetNormal</page> |
| Sparks | Generic sparks, play with SetMagnitude, SetScale and SetRadius for desired effects | <page text="Origin">CEffectData:SetOrigin</page>, <page text="Magnitude">CEffectData:SetMagnitude</page>, <page text="Scale">CEffectData:SetScale</page>, <page text="Normal">CEffectData:SetNormal</page>, <page text="Radius">CEffectData:SetRadius</page> |
| waterripple | Creates a water ripple on a water surface when origin is near water. | |
| gunshotsplash | A small splash, like when you fire a gun into water | |
| watersplash | A small splash, like when you toss a prop into water | <page text="Origin">CEffectData:SetOrigin</page>, <page text="Scale">CEffectData:SetScale</page> |
| TracerSound | Whoosh | |
| ParticleTracer | More stupid red X's, I'm certainly doing something wrong here | <page text="Origin">CEffectData:SetOrigin</page>, <page text="Entity">CEffectData:SetEntity</page>, <page text="Start">CEffectData:SetStart</page>, <page text="HitBox">CEffectData:SetHitBox</page>, <page text="Flags">CEffectData:SetFlags</page> ([TRACER_FLAG_WHIZ]( |
| Tracer | The default bullet tracer effect | |
| Tracer | The default bullet tracer effect | <page text="Entity">CEffectData:SetEntity</page>, <page text="Origin">CEffectData:SetOrigin</page>, <page text="Start">CEffectData:SetStart</page>, <page text="Attachment">CEffectData:SetAttachment</page>, <page text="Scale">CEffectData:SetScale</page> (velocity multiplier) |
| ShotgunShellEject | Shotgun shells | <page text="Entity">CEffectData:SetEntity</page>, <page text="Origin">CEffectData:SetOrigin</page>, <page text="Angles">CEffectData:SetAngles</page> |
| RifleShellEject | SMG/Rifle shells | <page text="Entity">CEffectData:SetEntity</page>, <page text="Origin">CEffectData:SetOrigin</page>, <page text="Angles">CEffectData:SetAngles</page> |
| ShellEject | Pistol shells | <page text="Entity">CEffectData:SetEntity</page>, <page text="Origin">CEffectData:SetOrigin</page>, <page text="Angles">CEffectData:SetAngles</page> |
| RagdollImpact | Grey dust like when you shoot a ragdoll at a wall | |
| HelicopterMegaBomb | A large, bright flash | <page text="Origin">CEffectData:SetOrigin</page> |
| WaterSurfaceExplosion | The explosion effect you get when you detonate grenades underwater | |
| Explosion | We all know exactly what this does | <page text="Origin">CEffectData:SetOrigin</page>, <page text="Magnitude">CEffectData:SetMagnitude</page>, <page text="Scale">CEffectData:SetScale</page>, <page text="Flags">CEffectData:SetFlags</page> ([list]( |
| HunterDamage | Sprays a bunch of flakes of material that resemble the hunters exoskeleton | |
| BloodImpact | A splatter of blood, the same one used when bullets hit a player | |
| bloodspray | A long spray of blood, set flags = 3, color = 0, scale = 6 for best results | |
| WheelDust | A large puff of barely visible brown dust | <page text="Origin">CEffectData:SetOrigin</page>, <page text="Normal">CEffectData:SetNormal</page>, <page text="Scale">CEffectData:SetScale</page> |
| ShakeRopes | Didn't do anything in my test | |
| ParticleEffectStop | Used internally to stop particle effects started by "ParticleEffect" effect. | |
| ParticleEffect | Spawns an orangebox particle effect, used internally by <page>Global.ParticleEffect</page> and <page>Global.ParticleEffectAttach</page> | |
## Base Gamemode Effects
Name | Description |
| dof_node | Basic material effect used by depth of field effect. |
| ToolTracer | The tool shoot effect used by the Tool Gun. |
## Sandbox Gamemode Effects
Name | Description |
| balloon_pop | Effect of a balloon popping. |
| entity_remove | The sparks when you remove something |
| inflator_magic | The sparks when you inflate a ragdoll |
| LaserTracer | Laser shot effect usable by the turret tool. |
| phys_freeze | The effect when you freeze something. |
| phys_unfreeze | The effect when you unfreeze something. |
| propspawn | The prop spawn effect when you spawn a prop (use effectdata:SetEntity( yourent ) ) |
| selection_indicator | Indicator effect used by the toolgun. |
| selection_ring | Ring around used the selection_indicator effect. |
| wheel_indicator | Indicator effect to show the direction of a wheel (used by the wheel toolgun). |