Revision Difference
This page describes a list of fonts available for use by default on all clients.
You can create new custom fonts using <page>surface.CreateFont</page>. Note that you cannot use the fonts in this page directly as font names for <page>surface.CreateFont</page>! You must use the font resource name instead, as explained in: <page>Structures/FontData</page>.
## Default fonts
These fonts are defined in the `GarrysMod/garrysmod/resource/ClientScheme.res`
* BudgetLabel
* CenterPrintText
* ChatFont
* ClientTitleFont
* CloseCaption_Bold
* CloseCaption_BoldItalic
* CloseCaption_Italic
* CloseCaption_Normal
* CreditsLogo
* CreditsOutroLogos
* CreditsOutroText
* CreditsText
* Crosshairs
* DebugFixed
* DebugFixedSmall
* DebugOverlay
* Default
* DefaultFixed
* DefaultFixedDropShadow
* DefaultSmall
* DefaultUnderline
* DefaultVerySmall
* HDRDemoText
* HL2MPTypeDeath
* HudDefault
* HudHintTextLarge
* HudHintTextSmall
* HudNumbers
* HudNumbersGlow
* HudNumbersSmall
* HudSelectionNumbers
* HudSelectionText
* Marlett
* QuickInfo
* TargetID
* TargetIDSmall
* Trebuchet18
* Trebuchet24
* WeaponIcons
* WeaponIconsSelected
* WeaponIconsSmall
The following fonts are Garry's Mod specific and are used by the Derma UI elements:
* DermaDefault - 13px Tahoma (Helvetica on mac), anti-aliased
* DermaDefaultBold - same as above, but bold and not anti-aliased
* DermaLarge - Roboto, 32px, anti-aliased
The following font is used by the <page>notification</page>:
* GModNotify
The following fonts are used by the default scoreboard in the base gamemode:
* ScoreboardDefault
* ScoreboardDefaultTitle
The following font is internally used by the workshop :
* WorkshopLarge (only exists in Menu realm)
Sample image:
<upload src="fontlist.png" name="fontlist.png" />
## Sandbox fonts
Used by the tool gun:
* GModToolName
* GModToolSubtitle
* GModToolHelp
* GModToolScreen - Used in the tool gun screen
* ContentHeader - Used by the spawnmenu headers
* GModWorldtip - Used by the world tips, when looking at Sandbox entities
Internally used:
* ContentHeader (used by the <page>ContentHeader</page>)
## Trouble In Terrorist Town fonts
Generally used:
* DefaultBold
* TabLarge
* Trebuchet22
Used by the HUD:
* TraitorState
* TimeLeft
* HealthAmmo
Used by the Scoreboard:
* cool_small
* cool_large
* treb_small