Revision Difference
<function name="Think" parent="ENTITY" type="hook">
Called every frame on the client.
Called every tick on the server.
<note>By default, it runs about 5-6 times per second on the server, but you can force it to run at servers tickrate using the example below.</note>
<note>You may need to call <page>Entity:Spawn</page> to get this hook to run server side.</note>
<note>By default, it runs about 5-6 times per second on the server, but you can force it to run at servers tickrate using the example below.</note>⤶
<ret name="" type="boolean">Return true if you used <page>Entity:NextThink</page> to override the next execution time.</ret>
Force the think hook to run at the maximum frequency.
This is generally only used for `anim` type entities, if the entity has to play model animations/sequences.
ENT.AutomaticFrameAdvance = true -- Must be set on client
function ENT:Think()
-- Do stuff
self:NextThink( CurTime() ) -- Set the next think to run as soon as possible, i.e. the next frame.
return true -- Apply NextThink call