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<function name="FollowBone" parent="Entity" type="classfunc"> <description> Makes an entity follow another entity's bone. Internally this function calls <page>Entity:SetParent</page>( parent, boneid ) and <page>Entity:AddEffects</page>( EF_FOLLOWBONE ). <note>If the entity vibrates, you probably need to run <page>Entity:SetPredictable</page>( false ) clientside.</note> <note>If the entity vibrates, you probably need to run <page>Entity:SetPredictable</page>( true ) clientside.</note> <warning>This function will not work if the target bone's parent bone is invalid or if the bone is not used by VERTEX LOD0</warning> </description> <realm>Shared</realm> <args> <arg name="parent" type="Entity" default="NULL">The entity to follow the bone of. If unset, removes the FollowBone effect.</arg> <arg name="boneid" type="number">The bone to follow</arg> </args> </function>