Revision Difference
<function name="GetChildren" parent="Entity" type="classfunc">
Gets the children of the entity - that is, every entity whose move parent is this entity.
<note>This function returns <page>Entity:SetMoveParent</page> children, **NOT** <page>Entity:SetParent</page>!
<page>Entity:SetParent</page> however also calls <page>Entity:SetMoveParent</page>.
This means that some entities in the returned list might have a NULL <page>Entity:GetParent</page>.
This also means that using this function on players will return their weapons on the client but not the server.</note>
<ret name="" type="table">A list of movement children entities</ret>
<ret name="" type="table<Entity>">A list of movement children entities</ret>
<description>Example usage and output</description>
-- ent is a prop_effect entity
PrintTable( ent:GetChildren() )
1 = Entity [184][prop_dynamic]