Revision Difference
<function name="GetSequenceInfo" parent="Entity" type="classfunc">
<description>Returns a table of information about an entity's sequence.</description>
<arg name="sequenceId" type="number">The sequence id of the entity.</arg>
<ret name="" type="table">Table of information about the entity's sequence, or nil is ID is out of range. See <page>SequenceInfo</page></ret>⤶
<ret name="" type="table">Table of information about the entity's sequence, or nil is ID is out of range. See <page>Structures/SequenceInfo</page></ret>⤶
<description>Draw each player's current sequence bounding box with sequence name, activity number, and activity name above their head.</description>
function GM:PostPlayerDraw( ply )
seqinfo = ply:GetSequenceInfo( ply:GetSequence() )
seqinfo.player = ply
render.DrawWireframeBox( ply:GetPos(), ply:GetAngles(), seqinfo.bbmin, seqinfo.bbmax, color_white, true )
function GM:HUDPaint()
local seqinfo, textpos = nil, nil
for p, ply in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
seqinfo = ply:GetSequenceInfo(ply:GetSequence())
textpos = ( ply:GetPos() + Vector( 0, 0, seqinfo.bbmax.z + 10 ) ):ToScreen()
if ( textpos.visible ) then
draw.SimpleText( seqinfo.label, "GModNotify", textpos.x, textpos.y, color_white, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER )
draw.SimpleText( seqinfo.activity..": "..seqinfo.activityname, "GModNotify", textpos.x, textpos.y+20, color_white, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER )
<output><image src="GetSequenceInfo_Example.jpg"/></output>