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<function name="ManipulateBoneScale" parent="Entity" type="classfunc"> <description> Sets custom bone scale. <warning>When used serverside, this method produces a huge network consumption!</warning> <bug issue="3502">This does not scale procedural bones.</bug> </description> <realm>Shared</realm> <args> <arg name="boneID" type="number">Index of the bone you want to manipulate</arg> <arg name="scale" type="Vector">Scale vector to apply. Note that the scale is relative to the original bone scale, not relative to the world or the entity.&#xA;&#xA;&lt;bug issue=&quot;1249&quot;&gt;The vector will be normalised if its longer than 32 units.&lt;/bug&gt;</arg>⤶ <arg name="scale" type="Vector">Scale vector to apply. Note that the scale is relative to the original bone scale, not relative to the world or the entity.⤶ <bug issue="1249">The vector will be normalised if its longer than 32 units.</bug></arg>⤶ </args> </function>