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<function name="SetNWInt" parent="Entity" type="classfunc"> <description> Sets a networked integer (whole number) value on the entity. The value can then be accessed with <page>Entity:GetNWInt</page> both from client and server. See <page>Entity:SetNWFloat</page> for numbers that aren't integers. <warning>There's a 4095 slots Network limit. If you need more, consider using the <page>net</page> library or <page>Entity:SetNW2Int</page>. You should also consider the fact that you have way too many variables. You can learn more about this limit here: <page>Networking_Usage#nwlimits</page></warning> <note>Running this function clientside will only set it for the client it is called on.</note> <bug issue="3374">This function will not round decimal values as it actually networks a float internally.</bug> </description> <realm>Shared</realm> <args> <arg name="key" type="string">The key to associate the value with</arg> <arg name="value" type="number">The value to set</arg> </args> </function> <example> <description>This will set the networked integer 'money' on all clients to 100.</description> <code> for i, ply in ipairs( player.GetAll() ) do ply:SetNWInt( 'money', 100 ) end </code> </example>