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<function name="SetParentPhysNum" parent="Entity" type="classfunc"> <description> Sets the parent of an entity to another entity with the given physics bone number. Similar to <page>Entity:SetParent</page>, except it is parented to a physbone. This function is useful mainly for ragdolls. <note>Despite this function being available server side, it doesn't actually do anything server side.</note> </description> <realm>Shared</realm> <args> <arg name="bone" type="number">Physics bone number to attach to. Use 0 for objects with only one physics bone. (See &lt;page&gt;Entity:GetPhysicsObjectNum&lt;/page&gt;)</arg> <arg name="bone" type="number">Physics bone number to attach to. Use 0 for objects with only one physics bone. (See <page>Entity:GetPhysicsObjectNum</page>)</arg> </args> </function>