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<cat>enum</cat> <enum> <description> Enumerations describing certain spawnflags. Everything except for SF_PHYS* is serverside only. Spawnflags are set using <page>Entity:SetKeyValue</page> with **"spawnflags"** as the key. * SF_CITIZEN_* spawnflags represent spawnflags only usable on [npc_citizen]( * SF_NPC_* - Usable on all NPCs * SF_PHYSBOX_* - Usable on [func_physbox]( * SF_PHYSPROP_* - Usable on [prop_physics]( entities <note>This is not a full list of available spawnflags, there are `a lot` more, each unique to each entity, you can find out more on the [Valve Developer Community]( website for the entities in question.</note> </description> <items> <item key="SF_CITIZEN_AMMORESUPPLIER" value="5">24288|Citizen that resupplies ammo</item>⤶ <item key="SF_CITIZEN_FOLLOW" value="6">5536|"Follow the player as soon as I spawn"</item>⤶ <item key="SF_CITIZEN_IGNORE_SEMAPHORE" value="2">097152|"Work outside the speech semaphore system"</item>⤶ <item key="SF_CITIZEN_MEDIC" value="1">31072|Makes the citizen a medic</item>⤶ <item key="SF_CITIZEN_NOT_COMMANDABLE" value="1">048576|Citizen cannot join players squad, and will not able to be commanded by the Half-Life 2 command system for Citizens</item>⤶ <item key="SF_CITIZEN_RANDOM_HEAD" value="2">62144|Gives the citizen a random head</item>⤶ <item key="SF_CITIZEN_RANDOM_HEAD_FEMALE" value="8">388608|Gives the citizen a random female head</item>⤶ <item key="SF_CITIZEN_RANDOM_HEAD_MALE" value="4">194304|Gives the citizen a random male head</item>⤶ <item key="SF_CITIZEN_USE_RENDER_BOUNDS" value="1">6777216|"Use render bounds instead of human hull for guys sitting in chairs, etc". Must be set before Spawn() is called to take effect</item>⤶ <item key="SF_FLOOR_TURRET_CITIZEN" value="5">12|Makes the floor turret friendly</item>⤶ <item key="SF_NPC_ALTCOLLISION" value="4">096|Do Alternate collision for this NPC (player avoidance)</item>⤶ <item key="SF_NPC_ALWAYSTHINK" value="1">024|[Think outside PVS](</item>⤶ <item key="SF_NPC_DROP_HEALTHKIT" value="8">NPC Drops health kit when it dies</item>⤶ <item key="SF_NPC_FADE_CORPSE" value="5">12|Fade Corpse</item>⤶ <item key="SF_NPC_FALL_TO_GROUND" value="4">If not set, means *teleport* to ground</item>⤶ <item key="SF_NPC_GAG" value="2">No IDLE sounds until angry</item>⤶ <item key="SF_NPC_LONG_RANGE" value="2">56|Long Visibility/Shoot</item>⤶ <item key="SF_NPC_NO_PLAYER_PUSHAWAY" value="1">6384|Ignore player push - Don't give way to player</item>⤶ <item key="SF_NPC_NO_WEAPON_DROP" value="8">192|NPC Doesn't drop weapon on death</item>⤶ <item key="SF_NPC_START_EFFICIENT" value="1">6|Don't acquire enemies or avoid obstacles</item>⤶ <item key="SF_NPC_TEMPLATE" value="2">048|This entity is a template for the [npc_template_maker]( It will not spawn automatically and cannot be used with [point_template](</item>⤶ <item key="SF_NPC_WAIT_FOR_SCRIPT" value="1">28|Wait for script</item>⤶ <item key="SF_NPC_WAIT_TILL_SEEN" value="1">Wait till seen</item>⤶ <item key="SF_PHYSBOX_MOTIONDISABLED" value="3">2768|If set, calls <page>PhysObj:EnableMotion</page>( false ) on the func_physbox when the physics are created</item>⤶ <item key="SF_PHYSBOX_NEVER_PICK_UP" value="2">097152|Gravity gun is NOT allowed to pick this up.</item>⤶ <item key="SF_PHYSPROP_MOTIONDISABLED" value="8">If set, calls <page>PhysObj:EnableMotion</page>( false ) on the func_physbox when the physics are created. See [Physics optimization](</item>⤶ <item key="SF_PHYSPROP_PREVENT_PICKUP" value="5">12|Prevent that physbox from being picked up</item>⤶ <item key="SF_ROLLERMINE_FRIENDLY" value="6">5536|Makes the rollermine friendly</item>⤶ <item key="SF_CITIZEN_AMMORESUPPLIER" value="524288|Citizen that resupplies ammo"></item>⤶ <item key="SF_CITIZEN_FOLLOW" value="65536|"Follow the player as soon as I spawn""></item>⤶ <item key="SF_CITIZEN_IGNORE_SEMAPHORE" value="2097152|"Work outside the speech semaphore system""></item>⤶ <item key="SF_CITIZEN_MEDIC" value="131072|Makes the citizen a medic"></item>⤶ <item key="SF_CITIZEN_NOT_COMMANDABLE" value="1048576|Citizen cannot join players squad, and will not able to be commanded by the Half-Life 2 command system for Citizens"></item>⤶ <item key="SF_CITIZEN_RANDOM_HEAD" value="262144|Gives the citizen a random head"></item>⤶ <item key="SF_CITIZEN_RANDOM_HEAD_FEMALE" value="8388608|Gives the citizen a random female head"></item>⤶ <item key="SF_CITIZEN_RANDOM_HEAD_MALE" value="4194304|Gives the citizen a random male head"></item>⤶ <item key="SF_CITIZEN_USE_RENDER_BOUNDS" value="16777216|"Use render bounds instead of human hull for guys sitting in chairs, etc". Must be set before Spawn() is called to take effect"></item>⤶ <item key="SF_FLOOR_TURRET_CITIZEN" value="512|Makes the floor turret friendly"></item>⤶ <item key="SF_NPC_ALTCOLLISION" value="4096|Do Alternate collision for this NPC (player avoidance)"></item>⤶ <item key="SF_NPC_ALWAYSTHINK" value="1024|[Think outside PVS]("></item>⤶ <item key="SF_NPC_DROP_HEALTHKIT" value="8|NPC Drops health kit when it dies"></item>⤶ <item key="SF_NPC_FADE_CORPSE" value="512|Fade Corpse"></item>⤶ <item key="SF_NPC_FALL_TO_GROUND" value="4|If not set, means *teleport* to ground"></item>⤶ <item key="SF_NPC_GAG" value="2|No IDLE sounds until angry"></item>⤶ <item key="SF_NPC_LONG_RANGE" value="256|Long Visibility/Shoot"></item>⤶ <item key="SF_NPC_NO_PLAYER_PUSHAWAY" value="16384|Ignore player push - Don't give way to player"></item>⤶ <item key="SF_NPC_NO_WEAPON_DROP" value="8192|NPC Doesn't drop weapon on death"></item>⤶ <item key="SF_NPC_START_EFFICIENT" value="16|Don't acquire enemies or avoid obstacles"></item>⤶ <item key="SF_NPC_TEMPLATE" value="2048|This entity is a template for the [npc_template_maker]( It will not spawn automatically and cannot be used with [point_template]("></item>⤶ <item key="SF_NPC_WAIT_FOR_SCRIPT" value="128|Wait for script"></item>⤶ <item key="SF_NPC_WAIT_TILL_SEEN" value="1|Wait till seen"></item>⤶ <item key="SF_PHYSBOX_MOTIONDISABLED" value="32768|If set, calls <page>PhysObj:EnableMotion</page>( false ) on the func_physbox when the physics are created"></item>⤶ <item key="SF_PHYSBOX_NEVER_PICK_UP" value="2097152|Gravity gun is NOT allowed to pick this up."></item>⤶ <item key="SF_PHYSPROP_MOTIONDISABLED" value="8|If set, calls <page>PhysObj:EnableMotion</page>( false ) on the func_physbox when the physics are created. See [Physics optimization]("></item>⤶ <item key="SF_PHYSPROP_PREVENT_PICKUP" value="512|Prevent that physbox from being picked up"></item>⤶ <item key="SF_ROLLERMINE_FRIENDLY" value="65536|Makes the rollermine friendly"></item>⤶ </items> </enum>