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<function name="EntityFireBullets" parent="GM" type="hook">⤶ <ishook>yes</ishook>⤶ <description>⤶ Called every time a bullet is fired from an entity.⤶ ⤶ <warning>This hook is called directly from <page>Entity:FireBullets</page>. Due to this, you cannot call <page>Entity:FireBullets</page> inside this hook or an infinite loop will occur crashing the game.</warning>⤶ </description>⤶ <realm>Shared</realm>⤶ <predicted>No</predicted>⤶ <args>⤶ <arg name="ent" type="Entity">The entity that fired the bullet</arg>⤶ <arg name="data" type="table">The bullet data. See &lt;page&gt;Bullet&lt;/page&gt;</arg>⤶ </args>⤶ <rets>⤶ <ret name="" type="boolean">Return true to apply all changes done to the bullet table.⤶ ⤶ Return false to suppress the bullet.</ret>⤶ </rets>⤶ </function>⤶ ⤶