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<function name="KeyRelease" parent="GM" type="hook"> <description> Runs when a IN key was released by a player. For a more general purpose function that handles all kinds of input, see <page>GM:PlayerButtonUp</page>. ⤶ Despite being a predicted hook, it will still be called in singleplayer for your convenience.⤶ </description> <realm>Shared</realm> <predicted>Yes</predicted> <args> <arg name="ply" type="Player">The player releasing the key. If running client-side, this will always be <page>Global.LocalPlayer</page>.</arg> <arg name="key" type="number">The key that the player released using <page>Enums/IN</page>.</arg> </args> </function> <example> <description>`hi` will be printed to the console when the player releases the <key>+USE</key> key (<key>E</key>).</description> <code> hook.Add( "KeyRelease", "UseExample", function( ply, key ) if ( key == IN_USE ) then print( "hi" ) end end ) </code> <output>hi</output> </example>