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<function name="PhysgunPickup" parent="GM" type="hook">
Called to determine if a player should be able to pick up an entity with the Physics Gun.
See <page>GM:OnPhysgunPickup</page> for a hook which is called when a player has successfully picked up an entity.
See <page>GM:GravGunPickupAllowed</page> for the Gravity Gun pickup variant.<br/>
See <page>GM:AllowPlayerPickup</page> for the +USE pickup variant.
<arg name="player" type="Player">The player that is picking up using the Physics Gun.</arg>
<arg name="entity" type="Entity">The entity that is being picked up.</arg>
<ret name="" type="boolean">Returns whether the player can pick up the entity or not.</ret>
<description>Allows Admins to pick up players.</description>
hook.Add( "PhysgunPickup", "AllowPlayerPickup", function( ply, ent )
if ( ply:IsAdmin() and ent:IsPlayer() ) then
return true
end )