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<function name="PlayerCanHearPlayersVoice" parent="GM" type="hook">⤶ <ishook>yes</ishook>⤶ <description>⤶ Decides whether a player can hear another player using voice chat.⤶ ⤶ <note>This hook is called several times a tick, so ensure your code is efficient.</note>⤶ </description>⤶ <realm>Server</realm>⤶ <predicted>No</predicted>⤶ <hidepredictionwarning>No</hidepredictionwarning>⤶ <args>⤶ <arg name="listener" type="Player">The listening player.</arg>⤶ <arg name="talker" type="Player">The talking player.</arg>⤶ </args>⤶ <rets>⤶ <ret name="" type="boolean">Return true if the listener should hear the talker, false if they shouldn't.</ret>⤶ <ret name="" type="boolean">3D sound. If set to true, will fade out the sound the further away listener is from the talker, the voice will also be in stereo, and not mono.</ret>⤶ </rets>⤶ </function>⤶ ⤶ <example>⤶ <description>Players can only hear each other if they are within 500 units.</description>⤶ <code>⤶ hook.Add("PlayerCanHearPlayersVoice", "Maximum Range", function(listener, talker)⤶ if listener:GetPos():Distance(talker:GetPos()) &amp;gt; 500 then return false end⤶ end)⤶ </code>⤶ ⤶ </example>