Revision Difference
<function name="PostEntityFireBullets" parent="GM" type="hook">
Called every time a bullet pellet (i.e. this hook is called multiple times for a shotgun shot) is fired from an entity. Notably this hook will have the final damage and aim direction for the bullet pellet.
See <page>GM:EntityFireBullets</page> if you wish to modify the bullets before they are fired.
<warning>This hook is called directly from <page>Entity:FireBullets</page>. Due to this, you cannot call <page>Entity:FireBullets</page> inside this hook or an infinite loop will occur crashing the game.</warning>
<arg name="entity" type="Entity">
The entity that fired the bullet
<arg name="data" type="table">⤶
<arg name="data" type="table{FiredBullet}">⤶
A table of data about the bullet that was fired.
See <page>Structures/FiredBullet</page>.
<ret name="" type="boolean">Return `false` to suppress the bullet.</ret>