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<cat>hook</cat> <title>GM:PreRegisterSWEP</title> <function name="PreRegisterSWEP" parent="GM" type="hook"> <ishook>yes</ishook> <description> Called when a Scripted Weapon (SWEP) is about to be registered, allowing addons to alter the weapon's SWEP table with custom data for later usage. Called internally from <page>weapons.Register</page>. </description> <realm>Shared</realm> <added>2021.01.27</added> <file line="L48">lua/includes/modules/weapons.lua</file> <file line="48">lua/includes/modules/weapons.lua</file> <args> <arg name="swep" type="table">The SWEP table to be registered.</arg> <arg name="class" type="string">The class name to be assigned.</arg> </args> <rets> <ret name="" type="boolean">Return `false` to prevent the weapon from being registered. Returning any other value has no effect.</ret> </rets> </function> <example> <description>Prevent registration of any weapon whose name contains a number, and make every other weapon automatic.</description> <code> hook.Add( "PreRegisterSWEP", "NoNumbers", function( swep, class ) if ( string.find( class, "%d" ) ) then return false end swep.Primary.Automatic = true end ) </code> </example>