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<function name="RenderScreenspaceEffects" parent="GM" type="hook"> <ishook>yes</ishook> <description> Used to render post processing effects. <rendercontext hook="true" type="2D"/>⤶ <rendercontext hook="true" type="2D"></rendercontext>⤶ </description> <realm>Client</realm> <predicted>No</predicted> </function> <example> <description>Renders color modify and sobel effects to create a cartoon effect.</description> <code> local tab = { ["$pp_colour_addr"] = 0, ["$pp_colour_addg"] = 0, ["$pp_colour_addb"] = 0, ["$pp_colour_brightness"] = -0.04, ["$pp_colour_contrast"] = 1.35, ["$pp_colour_colour"] = 5, ["$pp_colour_mulr"] = 0, ["$pp_colour_mulg"] = 0, ["$pp_colour_mulb"] = 0 } function GM:RenderScreenspaceEffects() DrawColorModify( tab ) --Draws Color Modify effect DrawSobel( 0.5 ) --Draws Sobel effect end </code> </example>