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<function name="DrawColorModify" parent="Global" type="libraryfunc"> <description>Draws the Color Modify shader, which can be used to adjust colors on screen.</description> <realm>Client</realm> <file line="19-L32">lua/postprocess/color_modify.lua</file>⤶ <args> <arg name="modifyParameters" type="table">Color modification parameters. See <page>Shaders/g_colourmodify</page> and the example below. Note that if you leave out a field, it will retain its last value which may have changed if another caller uses this function.</arg> </args> </function> <example> <description>Draws color modify with bright yellow and green colors.</description> <code> local tab = { [ "$pp_colour_addr" ] = 0.02, [ "$pp_colour_addg" ] = 0.02, [ "$pp_colour_addb" ] = 0, [ "$pp_colour_brightness" ] = 0, [ "$pp_colour_contrast" ] = 1, [ "$pp_colour_colour" ] = 3, [ "$pp_colour_mulr" ] = 0, [ "$pp_colour_mulg" ] = 0.02, [ "$pp_colour_mulb" ] = 0 } hook.Add( "RenderScreenspaceEffects", "color_modify_example", function() DrawColorModify( tab ) end ) </code> ⤶ </example></example>