Revision Difference
<function name="Entity" parent="Global" type="libraryfunc">
Returns the entity with the matching <page>Entity:EntIndex</page>.
Indices `1` through <page>game.MaxPlayers</page>() are always reserved for players.
<note>In examples on this wiki, `Entity( 1 )` is used when a player entity is needed (see ). In singleplayer and listen servers, `Entity( 1 )` will always be the first player. In dedicated servers, however, `Entity( 1 )` won't always be a valid player if there is no one currently on the server.</note>
<arg name="entityIndex" type="number">The entity index.</arg>
<ret name="" type="Entity">The entity if it exists, or NULL if it doesn't.</ret>
<ret name="" type="Entity">The entity if it exists, or `NULL` if it doesn't.</ret>