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<function name="FireProblem" parent="Global" type="libraryfunc"> <realm>Menu</realm> <file line="91-L102">lua/menu/problems/problems.lua</file> <description> Creates a problem from the given definition. <note> Existing problems with the same Id will be replaced / overridden. </note> </description> <args> <arg name="problem" type="Structures/Problem">⤶ <arg name="problem" type="table{Problem}">⤶ The problem's definition. </arg> </args> </function> <br/> --- <br/> <example name = 'Unfixable Problem' > <description> Creating a problem that the user cannot fix. </description> <code> local problem = { text = 'There is a problem!' , type = 'addons' , id = 'my-problem-1234' } FireProblem(problem) </code> <output> <image src = '' /> </output> </example> <br/> <example name = 'Fixable Problem' > <description> Creating a problem that can be fixed by the user. </description> <code> local function fixProblem () ClearProblem('my-problem-1234') end local problem = { text = 'There is a problem!' , type = 'addons' , fix = fixProblem , id = 'my-problem-1234' } FireProblem(problem) </code> <output> <image src = '' /> </output> </example>