Revision Difference
<function name="HSVToColor" parent="Global" type="libraryfunc">
Converts a color from [HSV color space]( into RGB color space and returns a <page>Color</page>.
<bug issue="2407">The returned color will not have the color metatable.</bug>
<realm>Shared and Menu</realm>
<arg name="hue" type="number">The hue in degrees from 0-360.</arg>
<arg name="saturation" type="number">The saturation from 0-1.</arg>
<arg name="value" type="number">The value from 0-1.</arg>
<ret name="" type="table">The <page>Color</page> created from the HSV color space.</ret>
<description>A helper function for drawing rainbow text.</description>
local function DrawRainbowText( frequency, str, font, x, y )
surface.SetFont( font )
surface.SetTextPos( x, y )⤶
for i = 1, #str do
surface.SetTextColor( HSVToColor( i * frequency % 360, 1, 1 ) )⤶
local w = surface.GetTextSize( string.sub( str, 1, i - 1 ) )⤶
surface.SetTextPos( x + w, y )⤶
local col = HSVToColor( i * frequency % 360, 1, 1 ) -- Providing 3 numbers to surface.SetTextColor rather⤶
surface.SetTextColor( col.r, col.g, col.b ) -- than a single color is faster⤶
surface.DrawText( string.sub( str, i, i ) )
-- Solid color rainbow, faster than example above
local function DrawSimpleRainbowText( speed, str, font, x, y )
surface.SetFont( font )
surface.SetTextColor( HSVToColor( ( CurTime() * speed ) % 360, 1, 1 ) )
surface.SetTextColor( HSVToColor( ( CurTime() * speed ) % 360, 1, 1 ) )
surface.SetTextPos( x, y )
surface.DrawText( str )
surface.DrawText( str )
hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "RainbowPuke", function()
DrawRainbowText( 10, "Hello world! This is rainbow text.", "CloseCaption_Bold", 5, 5 )
DrawSimpleRainbowText( 100, "Hello world! This is rainbow text.", "CloseCaption_Bold", 5, 55 )
end )
<output><image src="DrawRainbowText.png" alt="300px"/></output>
<description>A helper function for printing rainbow text in the chat.</description>
local function PrintRainbowText( frequency, str )
local text = {}
local len = #text⤶
for i = 1, #str do
table.insert( text, HSVToColor( i * frequency % 360, 1, 1 ) )
table.insert( text, string.sub( str, i, i ) )
text[len + 1] = HSVToColor( i * frequency % 360, 1, 1 )
text[len + 2] = string.sub( str, i, i )
len = len + 2⤶
-- Print to chat, also prints to console
chat.AddText( unpack( text ) )
-- Uncomment this to print to console only, works serverside too
-- MsgC( unpack( text ) )
-- The higher the number, the quicker the color will change between each character
PrintRainbowText( 10, "Hello world!" )
<output><image src="ChatPrintRainbow.png" alt="300px"/>
<image src="ConsolePrintRainbow.png" alt="300px"/></output>