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<function name="OnModelLoaded" parent="Global" type="libraryfunc"> <description><internal></internal> Called by the engine when a model has been loaded. Caches model information with the <page>sql</page>.</description> <realm>Client</realm> <file line="23-L78">lua/includes/util/model_database.lua</file>⤶ <args> <arg name="modelName" type="string">Name of the model.</arg> <arg name="numPostParams" type="number">Number of pose parameters the model has.</arg> <arg name="numSeq" type="number">Number of sequences the model has.</arg> <arg name="numAttachments" type="number">Number of attachments the model has.</arg> <arg name="numBoneControllers" type="number">Number of bone controllers the model has.</arg> <arg name="numSkins" type="number">Number of skins that the model has.</arg> <arg name="size" type="number">Size of the model.</arg> </args> </function>