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<function name="SortedPairsByMemberValue" parent="Global" type="libraryfunc"> <description> Returns an iterator function that can be used to loop through a table in order of member values, when the values of the table are also tables and contain that member. To sort by **value**, use <page>Global.SortedPairsByValue</page>. To sort by **keys**, use <page>Global.SortedPairs</page>. </description> <realm>Shared and Menu</realm> <file line="552-570">lua/includes/extensions/table.lua</file> <file line="567-L583">lua/includes/extensions/table.lua</file> <args> <arg name="table" type="table">Table to create iterator for.</arg> <arg name="memberKey" type="any">Key of the value member to sort by.</arg> <arg name="descending" type="boolean" default="false">Whether the iterator should iterate in descending order or not.</arg> </args> <rets> <ret name="" type="function">Iterator function</ret> <ret name="" type="table">The table the iterator was created for.</ret> </rets> </function> <example> <description>Creates a table and prints its contents in order of the age member descending</description> <code> local tab = { { Name = "Adam", Age = 16 }, { Name = "Charles", Age = 18 } } for k, v in SortedPairsByMemberValue(tab, "Age", true) do print(v.Name) end </code> <output> ``` Charles Adam ``` </output> </example>