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<function name="UpdateMapList" parent="Global" type="libraryfunc"> <description> <internal>Called from JS when starting a new game</internal> This function updates the Map List </description> <realm>Menu</realm> <file line="239-L251">lua/menu/getmaps.lua</file> </function> <example> <description>Manually updating the Map List with one Category.</description> <code> -- local mapList = { ["Example"] = {"gm_flatgrass", "gm_construct"} } pnlMainMenu:Call( "UpdateMaps(" .. util.TableToJSON(mapList) .. ")" ) </code> <output> <image src=""/>⤶ <upload src="ab571/8dc38911e504d0d.png" size="87584" name="maplist_example_1.png" />⤶ </output> </example> <example> <description>Manually updating the Map List with an extra Category.</description> <code> -- local mapList = GetMapList() mapList["Example"] = {"gm_flatgrass", "gm_construct"} pnlMainMenu:Call( "UpdateMaps(" .. util.TableToJSON(mapList) .. ")" ) </code> <output> <image src=""/>⤶ <upload src="ab571/8dc389128e53d0f.png" size="91048" name="maplist_example_2.png" />⤶ </output> </example>