Revision Difference
<function name="FFT" parent="IGModAudioChannel" type="classfunc">
Computes the [DFT (discrete Fourier transform)]( of the sound channel.
The size parameter specifies the number of consecutive audio samples to use as the input to the DFT and is restricted to a power of two. A [Hann window]( is applied to the input data.
The computed DFT has the same number of frequency bins as the number of samples. Only half of this DFT is returned, since [the DFT magnitudes are symmetric for real input data]( The magnitudes of the DFT (values from 0 to 1) are used to fill the output table, starting at index 1.
**Visualization protip:** For a size N DFT, bin k (1-indexed) corresponds to a frequency of (k - 1) / N * sampleRate.
**Visualization protip:** Sound energy is proportional to the square of the magnitudes. Adding magnitudes together makes no sense physically, but adding energies does.
**Visualization protip:** The human ear works on a logarithmic amplitude scale. You can convert to [decibels]( by taking 20 * <page>math.log10</page> of frequency magnitudes, or 10 * <page>math.log10</page> of energy. The decibel values will range from -infinity to 0.
<arg name="tbl" type="table">The table to output the DFT magnitudes (numbers between 0 and 1) into. Indices start from 1.</arg>
<arg name="tbl" type="table<number>">The table to output the DFT magnitudes (numbers between 0 and 1) into. Indices start from 1.</arg>
<arg name="size" type="number">The number of samples to use. See <page>Enums/FFT</page></arg>
<ret name="" type="number">The number of frequency bins that have been filled in the output table.</ret>