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<function name="IsUnreachable" parent="NPC" type="classfunc"> <description>Returns whether the entity given can be reached by this NPC.</description>⤶ <description>Returns true is entity was remembered as unreachable. The memory is updated automatically from following engine tasks if they failed:⤶ * TASK_GET_CHASE_PATH_TO_ENEMY⤶ * TASK_GET_PATH_TO_ENEMY_LKP⤶ * TASK_GET_PATH_TO_INTERACTION_PARTNER⤶ * TASK_ANTLIONGUARD_GET_CHASE_PATH_ENEMY_TOLERANCE⤶ * SCHED_FAIL_ESTABLISH_LINE_OF_FIRE - Combine NPCs, also when failing to change their enemy⤶ </description>⤶ <realm>Server</realm> <args> <arg name="testEntity" type="Entity">The entity to test.</arg> </args> <rets> <ret name="" type="boolean">If the entity is reachable or not.</ret> </rets> </function>